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Old 11-08-2009
Proud Auntie Proud Auntie is offline
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Default Topic: Please Vote For This Worthy Cause

Please Vote For This Worthy Cause

Proposal summary This proposal will outline activities to be undertaken in Atlantic Canada. It is our intention to support the Atlantic plan to continue conducting a PFD loan program allowing the public to borrow PFD’s while at the same time educating them on the use of lifejackets as well as test pilot a new initiative –PFD Loans – Go Mobile.

Research has shown that in approximately 90% of drownings in Canada victims are found not wearing a Personal Flotation Device. The PFD Loan Program is a program initiated by the Canadian Red Cross, with assistance from generous sponsors, where personal flotation devices are loaned out to the public at no charge. The goals of this program are to increase the availability and usage of PFDs in and on the waters of Atlantic Canada, and to educate the public on water safety and open-water survival. By achieving these goals, the Canadian Red Cross hopes to be a significant player in reducing the number of drownings that occur in Atlantic Canada.

Canadian Red Cross Atlantic Zone’s intention is to provide support to our current network of Service Centre’s. There are approximately 24 Service Centre’s in Atlantic Canada, which staff Red Cross officials and volunteers. Currently in 18 locations, volunteers have been trained by the Injury Prevention to deliver the PFD loan program, which includes many components of wearage / boating safety.

In Atlantic Canada the intent of the program is to continue to provide support to the public through presentations, displays and loans service delivered via our disaster service trailers that would travel the province. Selected community events and parks (boating areas) would be visited and offered the opportunity to support this initiative. Community events and provincial parks would be visited by summer staff who would deliver the safety message to the community and provide the opportunity for families to borrow PFD’s. Current volunteers trained with the Society would still facilitate the PFD loan program in our Service Centre’s and be encouraged to continue delivering our safety messages. Based on the results of last year, we are encouraged that the campaign is expanding.

Materials needed:

In order to assist the program, there would need to be an additional 800 PFD’s purchased, a set of signs and posters made up for the vehicles/trailers/ contact centre offices and public education materials re-printed for public distribution. On board the trailer we would include information about the program, water safety, boating safety and information about the Red Cross. Also in the trailers there will be example PFD’s that the public can try on.

The cost of this campaign in Eastern Canada is estimated at $50,000.

Objective The PFD Loan Program project is designed to promote the consistent and safe use of lifejackets – particularly among male recreational boaters 15-34 – thereby reducing injuries and drownings in Atlantic Canada

The objective of the zone campaign is to ensure prompt, targeted distribution of PFD’s to community level via our Service Centers and distribution of pamphlets in a way that positively impacts the visibility of our messages and thereby promotes lifejacket usage.

Based on past PFD Loan Program in Atlantic Canada, Canadian Red Cross volunteers would deliver the PFD / Hypothermia message to community groups upon request. It is the intent of the Society to provide our network with a variety of resources to help facilitate the safety message.

Enclosed you will find the education package, registration forms and evaluation forms. The evaluation forms would be completed at the office for evaluation purposes and tracking statistics.

Zone activities for this project In order to gain the greatest impact from the campaign, Eastern Canada proposes to support the project through Canadian Red Cross Public Affairs, Injury Prevention Departments, Contact Centre Volunteers and summer student employment efforts at the Regional level.

Creative development and production of the materials is a first step in this campaign. However, to be truly successful, it is necessary to make frequent, meaningful and often in-person contact with media outlets and other campaign supporters, in order to make the campaign stand out from the many others competing for air time and public attention.

Once production is complete and the materials are ready for distribution, staff support (Front desk volunteers and Contract staff) at the local Red Cross level will leap into action – making contact with the people as they visit our site in order to gain access to the PFD loan program.


The cost of this campaign in Eastern Canada is estimated at $50,000.

All you need to do when you log on to this site is click on CAST A VOTE and enter your e-mail address to register. You may vote everyday for the next 7 days. This is so important. We really really need the votes to qualify for semi-finalist status. We thank you all in advance!!
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