A great big "thank you" goes out to Dr. Sarah Holland of the "All Creatures Veterinary Service Ltd" Pets & Animals

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Old 01-23-2012
oasis oasis is offline
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Smile Topic: A great big "thank you" goes out to Dr. Sarah Holland of the "All Creatures Veterinary Service Ltd"

A great big "thank you" goes out to Dr. Sarah Holland of the "All Creatures Veterinary Service Ltd"

On Saturday night my wife and I came home from work shortly after 7. Sasha our 11 year old Husky/Shepard cross greeted us at the door as usual.

We let her out and started to prep supper. I heard a thump and went to the door and she was on the stairs looking up at me. I called her in and she limped up the steps and came in.. She does have arthritis, so I assumed she slipped and aggravated it. She would not move from in front of the door, so I gor her a treat and tried to coax her in. No luck. So I gave it to her and let her sit.

About 10 minutes later she got up and went into the living room and got sick. A few minutes later she did it again. Being a dog she assumed she was in trouble so went under the kitchen table.

Right after supper my wife and I were in the living room, and heard a thump from the dining room, and a wine from the dog, so we jumped up and ran in. She was sitting there off balance against the wall and was in a lot of distress..

I sat down and tried to get her to move to me but she could not. so I immediately called our vets office and got the answering service. I described the symptoms and was told the vet would call us back. In 2 minutes she did. After giving her the story she made arraignments to meet us at her office in 30 minutes.

When we got there she and her husband came out to the car. We got Sasha on the stretcher and in the office. By this time she could not stand or even sit. she just pushed herself in circles on the floor. And her eyes were jerky.

Sarah quickly diagnosed her with idiopathic vestibular disease and gave her a shot of a Valium like med. then gravol to settle her. Then we put her up in a kennel. (First time since we got her as a pup! Only other time was when she was spayed!)

In the morning we got a call that she was more with it than the night before, but still not able to put weight on her hind legs. So she would call us that evening with an update. When we got out of work I checked the messages and we were told that we could come and bring her home.


She's still a bit unsteady, but it is getting better rapidly. Sarah was very impressed how fast she recovered. But also said this is the first time she has had a dog brought in so soon after the onset of this...

Almost $400 poorer we have our baby home again! And it was worth every dime!
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Old 01-28-2012
puppyluv puppyluv is offline
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Default Topic: A great big "thank you" goes out to Dr. Sarah Holland of the "All Creatures Veterinary Service Ltd"

Isn't that one scary thing to happen???? Our male Jake (rip) was misdiagnosed with it (we left that vet btw!)...we found out he eventually had a very large tumor and brought him to PEI to take care of it. But we researched it because we orig thought that was it.
So when our female started showing some of those weird signs, more of leaning to one side, head tilted, we knew and brought her to Dr Adrien. We are fortunate, hers wasn't a severe case as your pups is. However, after a few weeks she is pretty much out of it. Her head slightly tilting may always be there, however the rest is great.

How scary that can be when you fuzzer is ill!

I am so glad it isn't anything serious although it is quite frightening!!
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